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In our last article we talked about the properties and basic care of Aloe Vera.

Today we are going to talk about its reproduction, which is very simple.

The first thing you have to do is choose a nice pot or prepare the space in your garden where you want to plant it.

Then get a substrate that is as permeable as possible, advising one that contains volcanic gravel mixed with sand and a little peat.

And let’s do it:

  • Reproduction from a leaf cutting:
    Separate the leaves from the base of the plant by choosing the ones closest to the trunk. Wait for your sage to dry out completely before planting them in the soil, to prevent rotting. Then insert them into the soil on the side where the sage dried out.
  • Reproduction from a stem cutting or offshoots:
    Once the plant starts to reproduce itself, leaves will appear and multiply around it. Carefully dig into the soil and separate these cuttings to plant them in other pots. Allow the base of the cutting to dry out well and form a crust over the entire surface, thus preventing the plant from rotting. Then transplant it into the chosen pot or part of the garden.
  • Reproduction through seeds:
    This is the slowest option, but it also works. As an adult, the aloe develops long stalks where its flowers are born. These flowers produce small pods and inside are the black seeds. Place them directly on silica sand and keep them moist. If you wait long enough, little by little, little aloe will grow.

Simple, isn’t it? Getting your own Aloe Vera plants is a real satisfaction, so take heart!

Have you ever used any of these planting techniques?
How was the experience?

Rachel&Co would love you to share your plant knowledge with us and our readers.

If you’re up for it, we’d be very happy to hear from you.

We’ll be back soon with new and interesting articles!

A. Mónica Martínez