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dracaenas blog

For many years now, dracaenas have been transforming interior spaces into oases of serenity. These elegant, easy-care plants have become a favourite with interior designers, but what makes them so special?

At Rachel’s, we have a wide range of varieties, with a wide range of colours and leaf shapes to choose from. From the classic long, narrow leaves of Dracaena Marginata to the wide, vibrant leaves of Dracaena Lemon Lime, there’s a dracaena for every taste and interior design style.

Our growers present them with one or more trunks, depending on their height, and their image offers great serenity and elegance to any space. The perfect balance for decorating homes or workspaces.

If I had to choose one of the reasons why dracaenas are so popular, I’d go for their ability to adapt to different light conditions. They’re the ideal choice for spaces with little or no light, whether it’s a dimly or indirectly lit environment.

They’re the perfect family of plants for people with busy schedules, as they don’t require much maintenance. They need regular but not excessive watering, and should never become waterlogged.  They are also fairly resistant to disease and pests, making them a great choice for an active, dynamic lifestyle.

Whether as a focal point in a room or hall, or as part of a larger composition, dracaenas bring freshness to any space. Their luxuriant foliage, in different shades depending on the variety, and their space-saving vertical structure make them a decorative element that fits in with all styles and decors.

What else can we say about them?

In short, dracaena is an exceptional choice for lovers of easy-care, beautiful houseplants that benefit any environment. It’s a great way to enjoy nature.

Discover our collection and offer the perfect variety to your best customer, the one who likes to choose and isn’t satisfied with little. We have the following varieties to choose from:

– Compact

– Compacta

– Dorado

– Gold Coast

– Hawaiian-Sunshine

– Janet Craig

– Janet Lind

– Lemon Lime

– Marginata

– Marginata Magenta

– Massangeana

– Warnekii

What about you? which composition do you choose?