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Rachel and Co - Hoja Superior

“ It is not just about giving the customers what they ask for today, but anticipating what they do not even realise they will need tomorrow. “

Raquel Novis

Rachel and Co - Hoja Cliente
Rachel and Co - Conoce
Raquel Novis

Hello, my name is Raquel Novis and I am the CEO of Rachel, a Mediterranean and tropical ornamental plant trader, based in one of the most privileged lands in Europe for growing flowers and plants: Almeria.

I have been working in the ornamental plant marketing sector for more than 25 years, but it was not until 2017 when, after managing the export department of some of the most important companies in the region, I decided to set out on my own path and found my own company.

Rachel specialises in tailor-made quality productions for wholesalers and garden centre chains, applying all our knowledge of cultivation, market and marketing to achieve a 100% customised product.

Most of our plants are distributed in France, through cultivation plans programmed in advance and with a logistics service operated by specialised transporters that allows us to deliver the plant to any point in the neighbouring country in just 24 hours. In recent years we have refocused our business to also serve the main garden centres in Spain and Portugal.

We work closely with breeders to stay up to date with the latest developments and genetic improvements and we pass all this knowledge on to our growers, most of them local, who develop Rachel’s product to measure and under the strictest quality standards.

Rachel also has an important commitment to the environment, which is why we use sustainable products throughout the chain, thus promoting a greener and healthier future.

 Our services

Rachel and Co - Produccion Programada
Planned production
Tailor-made cultivation plans
Rachel and Co - Venta por Catalogo
Catalogue sales
Mediterranean and tropical plants
Rachel and Co - Transporte Especializado
Specialised transport
Shipments to France, Spain and Portugal
Rachel and Co - Hoja Servicios
Rachel and Co - Equipo - Rachel Novis

Rachel Novis


Rachel and Co - Llamar a Rachel Novis
Enviar mail a Rachel Novis
Rachel and Co - Equipo - Carine Commeau

Carine Commeau

Sales in France

Rachel and Co - Llamar a Carine Commeau
Enviar mail a Carine Commeau
Rachel and Co - Equipo - Juan Carlos Agenjo

Juan Carlos Agenjo

Sales in Spain and Portugal

Rachel and Co - Llamar a Juan Carlos Agenjo
Enviar mail a Juan Carlos Agenjo
Rachel and Co - Equipo - Carmen Malpica

Carmen Malpica

Sales in Spain

Rachel and Co - Llamar a Carmen Malpica
Enviar mail a Carmen Malpica

Maika Martínez


Rachel and Co - Llamar a Maika Martinez
Enviar mail a Maika Martinez

Jacky Schirmer

Sales in France

Rachel and Co - Llamar a Jacky
Enviar mail a Jacky
Rachel and Co - Equipo - Matias Trubiani

Matías Trubiani

Logistics and Quality

Follow us on @rachel_love_plants