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Ventana con suculentas

Nature is curious and very varied, but one way to appreciate the true meaning of diversity is by entering the world of succulents.

It is not just the curious aspect that these plants can present, I would like to add that they are also very easy to care for and that they adapt to any environment, be it interior or exterior, which is why they are so loved by everyone, from amateurs of the gardening to professional gardeners.

Crassulas, echeverias, sedums, kalanchoes, hawortias, senecios, rhipsalis… And many other varieties make up this set of plants, more than 6,000 species that come mostly from arid or semi-arid areas.

How to take care of them?

In order for them to look beautiful and multiply naturally, they need minimal, simple, but specific care:

  1. Temperature:

Although they adapt to cold and frosty climates, if you want to keep them without problems, place them in places where the temperature does not drop below -5ºC. An acceptable minimum would be between 4º and 5 ºC. If the temperature in your city is lower and for a continuous period of time, it is better to keep them indoors or the risk of death will be very high.

On the other hand, they can live without difficulties with a maximum temperature of 40ºC although they also emerged from the variety.

  • Irrigation:

Their water needs are reduced. They are able to absorb moisture from the environment and keep it in their roots, stems and leaves. Thus we understand how they can live in places where they have almost no substrate.

For this reason, excess irrigation is the most common cause of mortality in succulents..

So when to water it? In the hot months we can do it once a week, but in winter, every fortnight at most, since the environmental humidity of the place where it is located rises. If you forget to do it, don’t worry, it is preferable that you forget at some point than that you water it excessively.

A trick that always works is to water them only when the substrate is very dry.

  • Light:

This type of plant needs a lot of light, but there are some that tolerate direct sun and others that grow better in the shade.

Succulents whose leaves are between orange and red usually accept many hours of direct sun without problems, but green ones prefer semi-shade or continuous shade, mainly during the summer months, since they lose their water reserve and will dehydrate quickly.

Excessive sun on its leaves inappropriately will cause them to change color to a tan tone between orange and red or simply begin to fall, indicating that the plant is not in the right place.

  • Soil:

This plant needs to be well drained, avoiding waterlogging and thus preventing its root from rotting. Try to water it only when it is completely dry and avoid containers that hold irrigation water, whether they are flowerpots or plates.

They also do not demand a mineral-rich substrate, but rather poor soil. So, if you want to transplant your plant to another pot, use cactus soil or mix the universal substrate with plenty of sand.

Succulents are usually sold in plastic or clay pots.

Today we share with you one of our hobbies:

We love to buy succulents and transplant them with cactus soil into clay pots. Why? Because I think that the excess water that the potting soil usually brings will evaporate better in a clay bow than in the original plastic one.

Also, I like the Andalusian air that it brings to our favorite places.

What do you think about it?


And since it is a plant that does not require you to spend a lot of time on it… How can you use it?

  • Use it simply to decorate: put them at home, in places where there is a lot of light. On top of a desk next to the computer, on the windowsill, on the terrace…

  • They can also be a good gift: due to its easy care and maintenance, even your most absent minded friends will like it.

  • Organize gardening workshops with children: it is amazing what children can learn from plants.


What about you? Do you like succulents?
We will be happy to read you in comments.

See you soon!