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Having a small plant on your desk adds a touch of cheerfulness to your work or study space and absorbs electromagnetic radiation.

While it is true that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by computers and other household appliances is of such a low frequency that it is not harmful to health, according to experts in the field, placing a cactus nearby can absorb the radiation that reaches it.

However, regardless of the benefits attributed to cacti in this respect, which may be more tradition or urban legend than scientific method, what is certain is that having a plant nearby is not only recommended for aesthetic reasons.

The fact that having a cactus on the desk has become so common may be due, in addition to the popular belief that it acts as an electromagnetic energy absorber, to the fact that it is a plant that requires very little care and is very decorative on a table that is possibly occupied by visually unattractive elements. Moreover, as they are such hardy plants, they may be the best suited to a working day in front of the computer.

There are many types of cactus, some are better for outdoors, due to their size or appearance, although others are best suited to the small pots we place on our desks.

Some have very beautiful flowers that break with the image of aggressiveness and sobriety that some people have of this plant.
There are some that have leaves in the shape of a flower, such as the so-called tusk plant, which looks like a rose.
There is a great variety of flowering cacti such as the mammillaria, aporocactus, aylostera or the plant called star cactus, among many others.

If you want to decorate your desk with a small cactus, either because you think it will make you feel in a healthier environment, or because it will bring you joy or inspire you, there are many centres where you will find a wide variety of cacti to choose from.

Although they are very hardy plants, it is advisable to consult gardening professionals for advice on special care, watering times, type of pot in which to house them, size they can reach, etc.

That cacti free us from the electromagnetic energies emitted by computers may be a myth, but they are very decorative.

There are more than 2,000 different species of cactus, among which you are sure to find one you like to add a touch of nature to your desk.
Planted in small pots, they don’t take up much room and with a little imagination, you can create a personalised decoration with a touch of colour.

Some people even christen these little cacti, which they consider almost like a colleague at work. Some say they bring good luck and help you keep your job. Any argument can be valid for putting a small cactus on your desk.