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crassula ovata – blog mayo 2021

The Crassula ovata or jade plant is also known as the Chinese millionairess. It is one of the most used plants in Feng Shui to attract material wealth, money, good fortune, love and abundance.

It requires care, can be placed both indoors and outdoors (with appropriate climate) and if you are a faithful follower of Feng Shui, you will already know that it not only attracts wealth, but also relieves tensions that may exist in an office, at home or in the place where it is located, helping to restore harmony and promote a climate of understanding and peace.

It grows slowly over the years. Indoors it can reach a maximum height of one and a half metres. Its fleshy, round leaves will remain green all year round, unless it gets too much sun, when they will turn orange or light green. Older specimens will produce small white flowers in spring.

Where to place the Jade plant? Feng Shui masters usually place it in the south-east direction of any place, as this is where the wealth sector is located. Never in the bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms because the conditions of humidity, heat and energy for rest are not suitable.

Ideal places: at the entrance of the home to promote harmony and the flow of money reception or in the study or work space, if you want to promote progress. Another option is to locate the area of wealth where we want it to emerge and place the plant in that area, as an activator. Corridors are not ruled out either, as long as they have natural light, as this location facilitates the flow of energies to the rest of the rooms in the place.

How to activate the power of the Jade plant? First of all, it is advisable to buy a small specimen so that it can develop the prosperity expected of it.

The use of pots made of natural materials can favour its energy, so make, recycle or buy the container you like the most, depending on the decoration of the place where you are going to install it. Clay or earthenware pots are very good options.

Now it is time to activate the plant with the rules of Feng Shui and benefit from its power. To do this, bury a coin (of local currency) in the soil where the specimen will be planted and THAT’S IT!

How to care for the tree of wealth?

It is a succulent plant. Here is how to look after it:

  • Temperature: it is best to keep it at 15°C, which is why it grows so well indoors. However, if you like to see it outdoors and the weather is good, protect it under a roof only in winter.
    Light: Position the plant to receive some direct sunlight during the day. Be careful not to burn it mainly in the summer months. Too little light causes the leaves to turn pale green, while too much sunlight turns them red.
  • Watering: Succulent plants are prepared to withstand drought conditions. Water only when the peat is dry. Never overwater your plant. Don’t forget that it will grow mainly in spring and summer, so it will need more water and very little in the winter months.
  • Fertilise: These plants will be happy to receive a little fertiliser once or twice a month during the spring and summer months.
  • Pruning: Not every Feng Shui advocate follows this rule, but the guru, Lillian To, believes that plant growth should not exceed three feet in height. If it is not branching, prune it from the trunk to stimulate the growth of new branches.
    Do not throw away the cuttings from your pruning. It is easy to propagate the plant. Transplant the cuttings into a pot with new peat to grow more specimens.

Of the most common diseases they can suffer from, we highlight the following:

  • Powdery mildew: This is a parasitic fungus that can be seen as small scabs on the leaves. A simple pesticide sold in garden centres can help to eradicate it.
  • Cottony mealybugs are aphids, parasites that infect the stem and leaves of the plant. In this case, clean them with cotton wool soaked in alcohol and then use a product indicated to kill these insects.
  • Black ring disease. This produces black rings on the lower part of the leaves, in which case the affected leaves must be removed.
  • Bacterial white rot which can even kill our plant if it spreads, so the way to eradicate it is to remove the affected part.

It is important to note that once you have the plant with you, you must take care of it as it is a living being that will be connected to the flow of prosperity to your home.

From Rachel&Co we wish you luck and abundance in your life with this generous plant.