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poinsettia roja 2

It’s impossible to resist this tradition, which fills every corner of the home, office, garden and family life with colour and joy. It’s thanks to Christmas that everything is decorated in red, pink or white with these precious “Euphorbias Pulcherrima”.

Tradition or not, few people can resist this plant which, year after year, comes up with new ideas for the shape of its leaves, the duration of its flowers, the date of flower maturity, formats, supplements, etc.

Our growers know this and share this joy.

We work with a wide range of pot sizes to cover all demand. We have containers of 13 – 14 – 15 – 17 – 20 and 30. Most of the production is grown as shrubs, although there is also a small batch in the form of stems (small trees ideal for special corners that require a plant of a certain height).

In Almeria, thanks to the climate, it is possible to bring forward the start of the season. To do this, our growers choose early varieties such as “Candela” and follow this up with others that mature later, such as Euroglory, Picasso, Glitter, Maestro Real, Ice Cristal, Premium Polar, etc., not forgetting Princettias in different colours.

For the anecdote, the colours are generally sold out at the beginning of the campaign, leaving the typical red for the last few weeks. So I urge you to contact us and organise your purchases so that you have more variety to offer your customers.

This year, we will be defending over 60,000 plants with Rachel’s usual quality. You all know that the poinsettia does not like to travel for several days, so it is essential to work carefully with the last link in our chain until it reaches your garden centre, which is why we coordinate with our carriers so that they can deliver very quickly.



Take the opportunity to include terracotta pots that highlight the colour of the plant, bows that wrap around the pot, raffia baskets that create elegant or fun atmospheres… everything will stand out in the eyes of the customer who wants to please a loved one with a beautiful gift or add a splash of colour in the last few weeks of the year.