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Diseño sin título (8)

The time has come to complete the new rose catalogue for the year 2023, as the next spring season is already in production.

The Rachel&Co team has travelled to Seville, to one of the best producers of rosebushes, to personally look for the novelties to be included. It is important to be in contact with great breeders or geneticists who each year present their latest creations to the sector or modify the existing ones and thus select the right ones for you and your customers.

The objective is clear: to know the typology of each type of flowering in order to work with it according to the area and climate, as the duration of the flower will depend on this, and also the development of the plant, whether it is grown directly in a garden or in a pot.
Then other variants will be added, such as their resistance to diseases, if a specific market prefers them with or without smell, etc.

Finally, novelty and trendiness are key when creating new colours and characteristics of flowers.


It is a great decision to achieve maximum sales success.

This selection will make you stand out from the competition and will offer novelty and guarantee the success of the planting, positioning your establishment as a reference in your sector.

Rachel is excited about everything she has learned on this trip.

Stay tuned to our social media or to our blog, soon we will publish new articles and reveal some of our secrets.

For now, we invite you to join us and share with us our passion for plants.

A. Mónica Martínez