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The Chrysanthemums have already been planted for several weeks and we are seeing the progress of the first series that we will soon be launching on the market. This year, Antonio, our regular grower, has grown 70% “Jasoda” and 30% “Homerum”.

He has kept the traditional range of colours for guaranteed success, with yellow, white, red and lilac. There are also a few pink trials, but only in small quantities. We always ask for customer feedback on trials, so if you are interested, contact our sales representatives so they can let you know how they are progressing and when they will be available. It is true that these series are generally very beautiful, and our customers love new things.

There will be tricolours again this year, because demand from previous years is continuing and we need to serve the most daring customers.

The colour of the pots has also been chosen to bring the necessary elegance to these dates and to match all the colours in the collection. So you will find ‘Taupe’ for the pots and green for the planters.

Depending on the containers, the plants will be ready at different times. The climate in Almeria is ideal for this type of production and we hope that our series will arrive on time, neither early nor late. The formats chosen are also based on sales in previous years and are as follows:

– To serve from week 39, we have scheduled the 17 Ø pot and the 19 Ø tricolour pot.

– To serve from week 41, the 13 Ø pots and the 30 Ø planters.

The largest production volume is centred on the 17 Ø pot, with more than 15,000 specimens in the above-mentioned colours, reaching a total of almost 25,000 specimens grown.

Plan your campaign in good time. The first sales are very interesting, because there are always customers who appreciate having these flowers in their homes, and not just for All Saints’ Day. They brighten up balconies, windows, gardens and even interiors that are gradually getting into the rhythm of winter and need a little cheer.

As always, the first trolleys can be made by combining pots to create a beautiful assortment in your garden centre.

Need more information?

Our entire team is waiting to answer your questions, plan your campaign and respect the colours in line with the natural maturation of the plant.

We look forward to hearing from you!