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December is approaching and we are all thinking about Christmas.

That’s why today I want to tell you about a very showy plant that is getting dressed up for Christmas right now: the Christmas cactus or Santa Teresita, also known as Schlumbergera.

It is a plant with deep green, drooping stems. Each stem consists of numerous short, wide, flat segments with somewhat serrated edges. From November to January, it offers us numerous elongated flowers at the end of its stems, whose narrow petals, carmine red, white or pink, give any room a festive atmosphere.

They are best displayed in pots or hanging baskets to show their seductive side.

I’ll summarise how to care for them and you’ll see how easy it is to keep them at home:

1. Light: It needs a half-shade exposure, adapting better to temperate or warm environments, with sufficient humidity. In good weather, I recommend putting it outside in a shady, cool place. When it starts to get cold, put it near a window where it will get plenty of light but no direct sun.

2. Temperature: Native to Brazil, its ideal temperature is between 16°C and 21°C. It is therefore advisable to place it indoors at this time of year.

3. Watering: The substrate should always be kept moist, but not waterlogged. The plant also appreciates being sprayed with water on its branches. It is advisable to water several times a week in warm climates.

4. Fertiliser: During the months of May to November, the plant works hard to grow. During this period it is necessary to fertilise with products rich in phosphorus and potassium.

5. Potting soil: It should be porous and contain a lot of organic matter.

6. Multiplication: This is very easy. I usually do it by rooting a piece of mature stem with several segments. The best time to do it is from May to June, but it is possible to do it until September.

What do you think?

The generosity of this plant is a real show. So I invite you to consider it for your home decoration, now that the time for meetings, dinners and get-togethers with those you love most is almost here!

With its range of colours, I can’t decide on just one.

Let me know if it’s the same for you !